There is currently a 6 month inventory of homes available for Wichita Falls. Now some price ranges may differ, but for the entire community - it rests at 6 months. This is a stunning figure, when you consider the entire face of the nation's economy right now. A 6 month inventory, is what Real Estate economist believe is the best figure to have. If you are considering buying a home in Wichita Falls, please see . There are some many reasons why now is a great time to buy - federal tax credits - city first time home buyer plan - great inventory of homes, just to name a few.

If you are considering selling, see - I have been very successful this year, selling my own listings - if you are interested in how I can help you sell your home in the lease amount of time, with the least amount of hassles, and for the most money - call me at 940.224.0881.

Ashton Gustafson - Realtor

1916 N. Elmwood Ave

Wichita Falls, TX 76308