Looks like there are some great buys this week. Let me know if I can set up a time for you or anyone you may know to preview the homes below.

4918 Silvercrest - $258,500 - 4 beds - 3 baths - 3 garage

4822 Rhea Road - $117,000 - 3 bed - 2 bath - 2 garage. Bid deadline is daily @ 11:59 pm.

1701 Tilden - $123,000 - 4 bed - 2 baths - Backyard Apartment - Just reduced $26,000.

2907 Lawrence - $43,900 - 3 bed - 2 bath

4803 Shenandoah - $130,000 - 2251 square feet - 4 Bed - 2 Bath - 2 Garage - Bid deadline is November 12 @ 11:59 pm.

Hope all is well and I look forward to hearing from you.